Insight Tour
The 9th Congress for Hallyu has prepared a special visit to KRAFTON Inc on Oct. 21st after the final session.
We will have a guided tour and Q&A time with Mr. SHIN Josh Seokjin who is the Vice President at Krafton, an international video game developer, leading the Creative Center for the production of Global Entertainment Creative.
KRAFTON is always aspiring to evolve, innovate and create new technology and entertainment experiences that fans can interact and engage with for years to come. Based on its originality, unrivaled challenging spirit and technological prowess, KRAFTON is growing as a global technology company with strong competitive advantages by developing new titles, diversifying IP together with searching for a new IP and expanding into a new business.
- Fastest time for a Steam Early Access video game to sell one million units
- Fastest time for a Steam Early Access video game to gross $100 million in revenue
- The first video game to reach 2m concurrent players on Steam
- Video game with the most concurrent players on Steam
- Fastest time for a Steam Early Access video game to sell one million units
- Most concurrent players on Steam for a non-Valve video game
- First non-Valve video game to be the most played game on Steam
Special thanks again for this opportunity to KRAFTON. INC.
Booking information :
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